Invasive Species: Landscapes by Justin Boyd, Adriana Corral, and Joey Fauerso
Artpace San Antonio, Hudson (Show)Room
Invasive Species presents new work by three San Antonio-based artists, Justin Boyd, Adriana Corral, and Joey Fauerso. Exhibition Dates: Sept 11th 2014-Jan 4th 2015
Opening: September 11th, 6:00-9:00pm, talk at 7:00pm
Invasive Species presents new work by three San Antonio-based artists, Justin Boyd, Adriana Corral, and Joey Fauerso. Each of them references landscape in their works in unconventional ways rather than the traditional depictions of the physical aspects of an area of land. In his multimedia installations, Boyd harnesses and electronically alters manmade and natural sounds to allude to a uniquely American Western vista of train horns, insects, and rivers. Corral’s installations refer to a particular place and history as the locus of forgotten violence and social injustice. In
her animated videos, Fauerso confronts Romantic notions of landscapes with humor that also questions conventional gender roles.